










Any flattery like “missing my youth” won’t work,

The problem in the shopping street is so serious that it’s difficult to believe here is students’ quarter.

Not only in this shopping street, but also in the shopping street in my hometown.

Motorization transformed people’s flow in the little provincial town as a rootless model.

Cars run through regardless of the history and culture, and changed the centroid of the town.

The central of commerce moved, the old central is getting hollow.

I thought “Wanna change this town, this shopping street,” when this project came fluttering.

It’s undeniable that we were in heroic mood.

Or even far from that, we might have perked up our shoulders.

Happen to come into a dusty town, beat any opponent one happens to meet,

and wipe out a “bad” supermarket with the owner of the restaurant.

I cannot deny that I didn’t think something like that at all.

In real, the shopping street is in a desperate situation that I’m nearly proud of myself

if the removal of the restaurant worked as a cue to change the shopping street.



Located in Fukuyama, Hiroshima
Completion : Sep. 2013
Use : Restaurant
Structure : Wooden, Flat
Site Area : 478.81 sq m
Building Area : 79.50 sq m
Total Floor Area : 79.50 sq m
Photo : Kazunori Nomura